Thursday, January 1, 2009

Make a wish...

Had a dream come true...
Let's make a wish...
Wish I can have a dream come true...
To wish I can get full A's in SPM...
To wish I can overcome all the challenges...
Never try to overreach people...

Bing Bing's profile

My photo
我。。总是羡慕别人的好。。别人有多漂亮。。心地有多善良。。因为我喜欢羡慕我没有的东西。。我很喜欢 by2。。同年,但是却不同命运。。我想创造自己的命运。。里面有加油和成功的元素。。就是把自己的角色演好。。别把梦想挂在嘴边。。定要把梦想变现实。。