Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fairy Tale

The latest Disney animation about a princess who kisses a frog and turns herself into a frog...

Tiana, a young woman holding down two jobs so that she can one day open her own restaurant and live out a dream her late father never got to see come true.

The frog, meanwhile, meets Tiana and convinces her to kiss him so that he can become human again. The plan backfires when she turns into a frog instead.

Along the way, both Naveen and Tiana confront the truth about their lives and end up drawn to each other.

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我。。总是羡慕别人的好。。别人有多漂亮。。心地有多善良。。因为我喜欢羡慕我没有的东西。。我很喜欢 by2。。同年,但是却不同命运。。我想创造自己的命运。。里面有加油和成功的元素。。就是把自己的角色演好。。别把梦想挂在嘴边。。定要把梦想变现实。。